From Iceland — 10 Reports Of LGBTQ+ Harassment Following Pride

10 Reports Of LGBTQ+ Harassment Following Pride

Published August 11, 2022

Photo by
Helgi Halldórsson/Wikimedia Commons

Samtökin ’78, the National Queer Organisation, has received reports of at least 10 incidents of harassment since the Pride celebration last week, reports RÚV.

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Executive director Daníel E. Arnarsson says harassment reports have been on the rise. Daníel encourages people to report harassment incidents to their website. Reports of harassment are used to assess the situation of LGBTQ+ people.

“It’s also really nice to remind people that there’s always counseling available,” says Daníel. “Just talking to a person about the harassment or violence can help, but we also have lawyers and legal advice. If the case is big, you can assess whether you need to look further within the legal system.”

For more on the bigotry that queer people in Iceland are facing–and how Icelanders are fighting it–check out our latest cover story.

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