From Iceland — New Poll Round-Up For Presidency And Parliament

New Poll Round-Up For Presidency And Parliament

Published June 6, 2016

Andie Sophia Fontaine
Photo by
Silje Bergum Kinsten/ JD554/Wikimedia Commons

Kjarninn has released the results of a new aggregate poll of the presidential and parliamentary candidates.

According to the results of the parliamentary aggregate poll, the Independence Party is on top, with 28% of voters across polls saying they would vote for them if parliamentary elections were held today. The Pirates, who after about a year of topping polls have begun to decline, are now at 27.7%.

The Independence Party’s partner in the ruling coalition – the Progressives – continue to struggle, and are now at 10.1%. The Left-Greens have seen a continued rise in support, and are now at 17%. At the same time, the Social Democrats continue to shrink, standing now at 7.2%.

In a surprise upset, brand-new party Viðreisn have outpaced Bright Future, polling at 5.8% and 3.6% respectively.

On the presidential front, historian Guðni Th. Jóhannesson continues to be the frontrunner, and is now at 56.9%, down from 58.1% during the last poll, taken at the start of the month.

Morgunblaðið co-editor Davíð Oddsson is at 19.8%, and has been holding steady in this relative position for a few weeks now. Simiarly, author Andri Snær Magnason’s levels of support have also remain unchanged, and he is now at 11.2%. At the same time, financier Halla Tómasdóttir has seen her support steadily rising, and is now at 7.5%.

Kjarninn, in conjunction with Boston University professor of mathematics Baldur Héðinsson, will be regularly aggregating the results of several polls taken throughout the campaign season, in order to give a general overview of how different candidates are trending on different polls.

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