From Iceland — Red Cross Collecting Furniture For Syrian Asylum Seekers

Red Cross Collecting Furniture For Syrian Asylum Seekers

Published December 7, 2015

Nanna Árnadóttir
Photo by
Art Bicnick

Six Syrian families are due to arrive in Iceland this month and the Red Cross are collecting furniture and other household items to furnish their new homes, reports Vísir.

“The municipalities are providing the apartments [for the asylum seekers] and the Red Cross is responsible for collecting furniture and appliances to prepare the apartments,” said Ragnar Þorvarðarson, vice chairman of the Red Cross Reykjavík branch. “So when these people walk in, it’s like they are just walking straight into their new home, a few days before Christmas.”

It seems that most of the furniture needed has been donated though they will happily accept toys as many of the families have children of varying ages.

“It’s been really fun to see how much good will there is in our community towards these families,” said Ragnar. “People are coming in with very beautiful things, because they want to participate in creating a warm home for people who are turning up with essentially nothing at all.”

The families are due to arrive in a matter of weeks and Ragnar is positive they will be able to furnish the homes in time as there are many hands on deck to pitch in.

If you are an asylum seeker, looking for information on how to apply for asylum in Iceland, or if you are curious about asylum seekers rights, check out Iceland’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs websites on Asylum and International Protection and the Rights and Services provided to asylum seekers in Iceland.

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