Calls the local fishing community fantastic and their practices sustainable
A man named Bart, more precisely a cook named Bart, runs a thing on YouTube called Bart’s Fish Tales. He promises that the channel is “all about lovely and sustainable seafood” and that he intends, in the episodes, to “travel the world and cook with the most wonderful fishing communities.” Early September, he posted a video he shot in Grindavik, Iceland, where he reportedly visited “the fantastic fishing community”. Surrounded by the tranquil, if stenchy, scenery of a seashore on the Reykjanes peninsula, in the video Bart fries haddock, mashes potatoes and more.
Apparently, Bart was surprised to witness fishermen sailing out on their boats one by one: “The fishermen from this community go out fishing in small boats. You almost wouldn’t believe it, but you will rarely find more than one fishermen on a boat.” He praises the country for what he calls sustainable fishing. He also says that these lone fishermen “hunt for the best cod & haddock.” As Bart only cooks the fish and is not seen eating it, this claim must be considered unverified. If you’re not willing to take Bart’s word for it, however, Nutiminn reported that TV-cook and, reportedly, Bart’s friend, Jamie Oliver recently tweeted the video. So there.
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