New information being released by Market and Media Research (MMR) reveals that more than half of all Icelanders are opposed to Alþingi paying artist salaries.
54.5% of respondents were opposed to artist salaries, while 45.5% supported such a program. In comparison to when this question was last posed, in March of 2010, the approval rating for state-funded artist salaries has increased by 6.9%.
Women are more favourable of the idea of artist salaries, with 51% expressing support, in comparison to just 40.7% of men who support the payments. Residents of the capital area are also far more likely to support artist salaries (51.4%) in comparison to those who reside in the countryside (35.2% in favour).
Along political lines, respondents who affiliated themselves with the Left-Green Movement were, by far, the greatest group in support of funding artists, with 83.7% claiming to support the payments. Those who affiliate themselves with the Independence Party are the most opposed to the government supporting artists, with 73.5% of Independence Party supporters polled being against funding artists.
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