From Iceland — Hugleikur Gets Some Of His Material Back

Hugleikur Gets Some Of His Material Back

Published June 21, 2011

Comic artist and writer Hugleikur Dagsson received today a hard disk from the computer that was stolen from him last week.
As Grapevine reported, Hugleikur returned home on Saturday to find many things stolen from his apartment, including a grey Macbook Pro – decorated with Star Wars stickers and featuring Batgirl on the desktop – containing, “my life’s work, future projects, scripts for comics, a play, a screenplay, other projects and family photos.”
Understandably distraught, Hugleikur appealed to the general public to try and get his things back. RÚV now reports that the appeal has paid off in part.
Musician Bubbi Morthens, speaking on the show Virkir Morgnar on radio station Rás 2, encouraged his “friends in the underworld” to return Hugleikur’s computer immediately.
This morning, an envelope addressed to the show’s hostess Gunna Dís arrived, containing the hard disk from Hugleikur’s computer.
Hugleikur said that with the return of his life’s work, he has also received “my summer back”.
Still missing are a black Macbook with a Retro Stefson sticker on it, a grey television hard drive, black Aiwa speakers, and a Sony HD video camera. Hugleikur promises a reward for the return of his things, and calls upon the general public for help. Anyone with any information about the whereabouts of Hugleikur’s property are asked to contact him at

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