New research that has come to light seems to indicate that taking lýsi – Icelandic cod liver oil – has some health benefits not previously explored.
Lýsi is an Icelandic staple. Widely available in supermarkets and given to children in preschool, its health benefits have long been touted. For the most part, these benefits are associated with the high concentrations of amino acids found in the oil, but continuing research has been done to see in what other ways cod liver oil may benefit the human body.
Vísir now reports that researchers at the University of Indiana have found additional effects lýsi could have on people. For one, large and regular quantities of cod liver oil given to mice affects the same areas of the brain that some psychiatric medications do.
Furthermore, lýsi also seemed to have the effect that mice who drank it were not as fond of alcohol as they were beforehand. The most surprising part of this research, apart from the fact that mice seem to enjoy alcohol, is that the omega-3 fatty acids in cod liver oil are what appear to have produced this effect.
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