From Iceland — Government Support At All-Time Low

Government Support At All-Time Low

Published November 2, 2010

Support for the Social Democrat/Leftist-Green coalition is now measuring lower than it has ever been, but the conservatives hold steady.
According to the latest Gallup poll, the two parties combined only have the support of 30% of the nation, down by 10% from the previous poll. Separately, the Social Democrats only have 18% – the lowest they have polled in nine years – as did the Leftist-Greens, with their support holding relatively steady.
Meanwhile, the conservatives saw a slight upwards bump in support and are now polling at 36%, just two years after their policies contributed to the collapse of the nation’s banks. The Progressives continue to hover at 12%. More surprisingly, The Movement – which up until very recently was polling somewhere between 1% and 3% – is now polling at 8%.
General public dissatisfaction has centred around what is perceived as a lack of attentiveness on behalf of the government in trying to alleviate household debt. This has led to sporadic protests, and a general rallying among conservative politicians to drum up support.

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