From Iceland — 66 Degrees of Sound: Artist Spotlight — SiGRÚN

66 Degrees of Sound: Artist Spotlight — SiGRÚN

Published May 22, 2024

66 Degrees of Sound: Artist Spotlight — SiGRÚN
Rex Beckett
Photo by
Viðar Logi
James T. Merry

There’s never a dull moment at GV HQ studios and this week is no exception! Coming in frazzled from a long weekend, we arrived to find our mixer had vanished and we had to improvise. Luckily we are punk-ethos musicians so we just got creative. This episode is very “play it as it lays” but in the best way possible, we think.

We were also very lucky to have a great guest in our midst: multi-instrumental electronic artist SiGRÚN joined us in the studio to talk about her new single “Catching Up” (released April 18) off her upcoming album Monster Milk. We had a charming and thought provoking chat with her about her prestigious musical origins, existential crises, feeding humans, and the love of a good reverb plugin.

We’ll be back on Thursday with a great Hot Happenings episode and (hopefully) our mixer back!

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