Author: Andie Sophia Fontaine - The Reykjavik Grapevine

Klausturgate MPs Accuse Whistleblower Of Disguising Herself Like A Tourist To Record Them


In a complaint filed with the Data Protection Authority, a copy of which was forwarded to Grapevine, four of the…

Gallup: Socialist Party Surges Up, Progressives And People’s Party Sinks


Within the span of a month, the Socialist Party of Iceland—which does not yet have a seat in Parliament—went from…

Hot Water Crisis In Reykjavik Mercifully Comes To An End


Our national nightmare has finally come to an end, RÚV reports, as the extended cold snap that had depleted hot…

The Power Of Accountability: An Interview With Whistleblower Bára Halldórsdóttir


Bára Halldórsdóttir, a queer disabled woman who has long advocated for the rights of the chronically ill, found herself in…

State Attorney In Child Deportation Case Criticised For Xenophobic Testimony


A person present for the initial trial involving the possible deportation of a child was reportedly shocked to listen to…

Owner Of Iceland’s Largest Mink Farm Cautiously Optimistic About Improving Business


Mink farms in Iceland have been operating at a loss for three years now, and the owner of the largest…

Island Life: New Speed Limits, Falling Through Ice & Rare Birds In The Countryside


The Icelandic Road Administration recently took the decision to lower the speed limit for single-lane bridges to 50kph, in hopes…

Weathering The Climate: Economic Challenges In The Era Of Global Warming

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Iceland’s weather over the last year has been strange, to put it mildly. It has essentially been one long season—winter—with…

Thar She Blows: New Report On Whaling Raises Questions And Criticism


There are a number of data points that we know about whale hunting in Iceland: it’s not profitable, it has…

Ten Years Later: The Protests That Brought Down The Government


In October 2008, Iceland became the focus of international attention when its entire financial system collapsed. Part of the cause…

Word Of The Issue: Hálkurök


Throughout Iceland’s wintertime weather reports, you will frequently see the word “hálka.” This refers to the icy conditions, usually brought…

Soda Machines And Mass Mail Restrictions: Iceland’s Parliament Responds To Climate Change


Installing a soda machine in the Parliament cafeteria has reduced the number of plastic bottles the legislature uses, the Environment…

Reykjavik Utilities Asks Residents To Spare Hot Water Due To Extended Cold Spell


The cold snap that has hung over Reykjavík for the past few days has put a strain on the hot…

Two Palm Trees In Reykjavik For 140 Million ISK


A work of art to be installed in Reykjavík, featuring two palm trees in giant terrariums, will cost 140 million…

Food Of Iceland: Lamb Hearts


Icelanders are known for their resourcefulness when it comes to available foodstuffs; a trait borne from times when not wasting…

Ask A Philosopher: What Led To The 2008 Crash?


As we look back on the 10th anniversary of the post-crash protests that brought down the Icelandic government, the root…

Decline In Tourism In Iceland This Year Predicted


The total number of arriving and departing passengers at Keflavík International Airport is expected to decrease by about 9% this…

BREAKING: Iceland’s Former First Lady’s Dog Dies


Sámur, the dog who may or may not end up cloned, has shuffled off this mortal coil. Dorrit Moussaieff, the…

Iceland Preparing To Establish Third Internet Connection With Europe


The company which oversees Iceland’s internet connection with Europe is in preparations to lay a third cable between the country…

Iceland Still The Most Corrupt Nordic Country


Public perception of corruption in Icelandic society continues to increase, according to the latest data from Transparency International. The country…

Population Figures: Reykvíkingar Vastly Outnumber Other Icelanders


Men far outnumber women, and those living in Reykjavík far outnumber Icelanders in the rest of the country, the latest…

The Big Chill: Subzero Temperatures Across Iceland This Week


No matter where you might be in Iceland this week, you’d better bundle up—temperatures are expected to dip well below…

VIDEO: Protests Held Against Klausturgate MPs In Front Of Parliament


About 200 people turned out in front of Parliament yesterday to protest the fact that the six MPs involved in…

Wind And Gravity Create Hauntingly Beautiful Snow Formations In Iceland


Employees at the golf course Keilir were greeted with an unusual sight yesterday, when they arrived to find the snow-covered…

Icelandic Cat Spends The Night In A Bookstore, Elicits Sympathy


A cat spotted staring pensively out from behind the locked glass doors of a Hafnarfjörður bookstore last night sparked an…