Author: Andie Sophia Fontaine - The Reykjavik Grapevine

Icelandic Singer Accused Of Plagiarising Rihanna


An Icelandic Eurovision hopeful has raised eyebrows with his contender song, due to its striking similarities to a well-known hit…

Stricter Measures On Imported Semen Endanger Future Of The Icelandic Goat


Efforts to have a backup stock of Icelandic goats in the US, in case anything should befall the population in…

Petition Launched Calling For Nara Walker To Be Allowed Return To Australia


Nara Walker, a young Australian woman whose domestic violence case has sparked international headlines, is on her way to prison…

Hatari Claim To Have Hired Christian Conservative Who Denounced Them


Shortly after news broke that Christian conservative and social media paladin Margrét Friðriksdóttir condemned acclaimed anarcho-synthpunk anti-capitalist BDSM darkwave cyborgs…

Members Of Iceland’s Pagan Faith Nearly Quadruple Over Past Decade


Ásatrú, the pagan faith which honours the Norse pantheon and worldview, is currently on the rise in Iceland. So much…

Car Rental Company Rolled Back Odometers, Says They Will Pay Damages


It has come to light that at least one car rental company in Iceland has deliberately rolled back odometers on…

Former Statesman Accused Of Sex Offences Threatens To Sue Public Broadcasting


Jón Baldvin Hannibalsson, a former Foreign Minister, social democrat MP and ambassador, and his wife Bryndís Schram have threatened to…

One Of Iceland’s Largest Labour Unions Ready To Strike If Necessary


The results of a new Gallup poll show that the vast majority of members of the Efling trade union are…

Nara Walker On Icelandic Court Ruling: “My Dignity Has Been Pulled Apart”


A young Australian woman who has made international headlines for defending herself in a domestic violence case—and subsequently placed on…

Spate Of Food Recalls Pop Up In Iceland


Recalls have been issued by the Icelandic Food And Veterinary Authority (MAST) on one company’s brand of smoked salmon and…

Beloved Reykjavik Coffeeshop To Shut Down Due To Massive Rent Hike


C Is For Cookie, a cozy downtown café beloved by locals and tourists alike, will have to be shuttering its…

Iceland Set To Make Major Changes To Law Affecting Trans, Intersex And Non-Binary People


The draft of a bill currently being prepared for Parliament would make several long-overdue changes to Icelandic law regarding trans,…

Health Directorate: Icelandic Women Smoke And Drink Less, Vape As Often As Men


A new study from the Directorate of Health shows that Icelandic women typically smoke less, drink to drunkenness less, and…

12 Avalanches In East Iceland Over Single 24-Hour Period


In the span of just 24 hours, twelve avalanches have fallen in the mountains of East Iceland, RÚV reports. According…

Directorate Of Labour: Labour Rental Company “A Criminal Practice”


The director of Iceland’s Directorate of Labour pulled no punches when talking about Menn í vinnu, a labour rental company…

Icelandic Labour Union Draws From Experience In New York To Help Restaurant Workers


Tomorrow, the Efling labour union will be hosting a free talk, where organisers from the US will recount their experiences…

Foreign Workers Subjected To Exploitation, Unions And Police Now Involved


Representatives for the Icelandic Confederation of Labour Unions (ASÍ) and the police visited the living conditions of foreign workers, most…

One-Winged Duck, Adopted By Icelandic Family, Now Has Own Instagram Account


An eider duck who lost one of its wings to a stray cat and was subsequently adopted by an Icelandic…

Icelandic Eurovision Hopefuls Hatari Challenge Israeli PM Netanyahu To A Wrestling Match


In a twist that simultaneously improves both Eurovision and 2019 as a whole, Icelandic anti-capitalist BDSM techno performance art group…

Iceland Grants 15 Million ISK In Funding To National Queer Organisation


The Prime Minister’s Office and the National Queer Organisation of Iceland have signed an agreement, whereby the org will receive…

Iceland’s Langoustine Stocks In Serious Decline


Iceland’s langoustine stocks have decreased by 80% between this year and last, according to new data from the Marine And…

Iceland’s National Church Declining; Catholic Church, Ásatrú And Unaffiliated Rising


The latest data from the National Registry shows some interesting trends over the past two months regarding how Icelanders are…

Second Iteration Of Trans Solidarity Campaign Goes Well


A group of trans allies and two trans men launched a second iteration of a campaign aimed at gender inclusivity…

Icelandic MPs Protest Against Klausturgate MP Live In Parliament


Two MPs for the Pirate Party flanked Centre Party MP Bergþór Ólason as he delivered a speech in Parliament yesterday,…

Icelandic Icon Makes Anti-Semitic Remarks Regarding Eurovision, Takes It Back And Apologises


Musician and Eurovision enthusiast Páll Óskar Hjálmtýsson, who is currently pressing for Iceland to withdraw from Eurovision this year on…