Author: Andie Sophia Fontaine - The Reykjavik Grapevine

Farmers Association Head Accepts Minister’s Apology, But The Matter Isn’t Over, Lawyer Says


Following a racist remark made by Infrastructure Minister Sigurður Ingi Jóhannsson at a conference of the Icelandic Farmers’ Association (BÍ)…

Two Seriously Injured, One Dead In Avalanche Yesterday


Three men were struck by an avalanche in Svarfaðardal, near Dalvík, last evening, Vísir reports. The three were all from…

Finance Minister’s Father Amongst Buyers Of Shares Of Íslandsbanki


Yesterday, the Ministry of Finance made public the list of 209 investors who purchased a combined total of a 22.5%…

Foreign Minister Not Ruling Out Expelling Russian Ambassador; 26 Municipalities Ready To Receive Ukrainian Refugees


Following the horrifying details of the massacre of civilians in Bucha, Ukraine by Russian forces last week, many countries are…

Infrastructure Minister Makes Racist Remark; Denials, Apologies And Calls For Resignation Follow


An ugly remark made by Minister of Infrastructure Sigurður Ingi Jóhannsson at a conference of the Icelandic Farmers’ Association (BÍ)…

Ukrainian Refugees Moved Due To Children Terrified Of Airplanes Flying Nearby


As Iceland continues to accept refugees from Ukraine, logistical changes have had to be met for various reasons. RÚV reports…

Capital Area Bus Reducing Service To Save Costs


Strætó, the company which runs bus service for the greater Reykjavík area, has announced that they will be reducing service…

Those Who Left And Those Who Stayed, Part 2: Choosing The Less Worst Thing


On the morning of February 24th, the world woke to the news that after weeks of sabre rattling, Russia had…

A Big Night For The Icelandic Music Awards


It was a night of thrills and pageantry last night at Harpa Concert Hall, as the Icelandic Music awards were…

Two German Military Frigates In Reykjavík Harbour


Two German frigates are currently docked in Reykjavík harbour, according to data from MarineTraffic. The ships in question are the…

Au Pair Nearly Deported For Leaving Family Who Overworked Her


The Immigration Appeals Board has overturned a ruling from the Directorate of Immigration (ÚTL) that sought to deny a residence…

75 Years Ago Today: Hekla Erupts To Devastating Effect


On this day in 1947, Icelanders woke up to find that the volcano Hekla had erupted again. What would follow…

Landspítali No Longer At Emergency Levels


Landspítali hospital has lowered their alert level from “emergency” to “caution” in light of a decrease in COVID admissions, Vísir…

Iceland’s Internet Security Precarious


Iceland’s internet security has considerable room for improvement, RÚV reports, especially in the wake of Russia invading Ukraine. “There is…

Pirate Party MP Seeks Answers, Wants Drugging Drinks To Be Criminalised


Lenya Rún Taha Karim, a deputy MP for the Pirate Party, was a guest on the radio show Reykjavík síðdegis…

Tourism Industry Unhappy With News Of Fin Whale Hunt Renewal


Yesterday’s news that Hvalur hf., Iceland’s last fin whaling company, would resume the hunt this summer after a three-year hiatus…

Government Will No Longer Pay For COVID Rapid Tests


Starting on April 1st, private entities will no longer be subsidised for coronavirus rapid tests, an announcement from the Ministry…

VIDEO: An Hour And A Half Just To Get Out Of The House


While many capital area residents are likely feeling a sense of relief that the recent spate of warm winds and…

Company Aims To Hunt Whales This Summer


Despite reports that the commercial fin whaling enterprise in Iceland is drawing to a close, Morgunblaðið reports that Hvalur hf.,…

Optimistic That Outdoor Cat Ban Will Be Withdrawn


A member of Akureyri town council is optimistic that a ban on outdoor cats that passed last winter will be…

Infrastructure Minister In Row With Russian Embassy: “I’ll Apologise When The Invasion Stops”


Iceland’s Minister of Infrastructure and chair of the Progressive Party, Sigurður Ingi Jóhannsson, has found himself in the midst of…

Health Minister Says He Will Submit Drug Decriminalisation Bill This Autumn


Following yesterday’s report that Minister of Health Willum Þór Þorsson had decided to not submit his ministry’s bill on decriminalising…

Question Of Iceland Joining The EU Hangs In The Balance In Parliament


On the heels of a poll conducted earlier this month showing that public support for Iceland joining the European Union…

Special Holiday For Nonbinary People In Iceland Today


You may have heard of bóndadagur and konadagur; now get ready for kváradagur, a holiday just for nonbinary people in…

Health Minister Ices Own Bill On Decriminalising Personal Drug Consumption


Despite having a broad base of popular support, including an endorsement from the director of prisons, Minister of Heath Willum…