From Iceland — Reykjavík Nine: Convictions For Some, Acquittal For Others

Reykjavík Nine: Convictions For Some, Acquittal For Others

Published February 16, 2011

Four of the so-called Reykjavík 9 were found guilty this morning of charges stemming from an incident at parliament in December 2008. “A tragic tale”, says the defending attorney.
The nine Icelanders stood accused of having tried to force their way into parliament in December 2008, assaulting parliament security in the process. However, the only available surveillance footage of the incident told a much different story, and police often gave conflicting testimony during the trial.
Nonetheless, this morning the judges in the case returned with their ruling, and four of the protesters involved have been found guilty.
Vísir reports that Andri Leó Lemarquis was sentenced to a four-month suspended sentence, Þór Sigurðsson was sentenced to a 60-day suspended sentence, and Sólveig Anna Jónsdóttir and Steinunn Gunnlaugsdóttir were each sentenced to pay 100,000 ISK in fines. The remaining five were found not guilty. Andri received his sentence for allegedly biting a police officer and pushing a security guard, while Þór’s sentence was for holding the door of parliament open, DV reports.
Ragnar Aðalsteinsson, the defence attorney for the nine, told Vísir that he believes the entire affair has been “one long tragic tale,” and finds it sad that this should be the first conviction handed down by the courts as a result of the economic collapse.
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