food — The Reykjavik Grapevine %

Grapevine Events: Reykjavík Slutwalk, Street Food Festival, IceDocs & More


We’re smooth sailing through the month and it’s honestly a bit of a slow one! We don’t want to call…

Do It Together Kind Of Magic


Hátíðni, a festival that also feels like home Nestled in a tiny village of Borðeyri in north-west Iceland, one couldn’t…

Helping The Helpers


The Icelandic Association for Search and Rescue looks for broader support Iceland will welcome 2.1 million tourists in 2023. While…

Grapevine Events: Free Supermarket, Nanna, Kexport & So Much More


TGIF! Not only is it Friday, it’s also warm and sunny in Reykjavík. We might have a new volcanic eruption…

Best Of Reykjavík 2023: Best Place for a Fancy Meal

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Best Place for a Fancy Meal Dill Laugavegur 59 Now with a green star in addition to their Michelin star,…

Best Of Reykjavík 2023: Best Goddamn Restaurant

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Best Goddamn Restaurant Joint Winner Austur-Indíafélagið Hverfisgata 56 It doesn’t matter if you are new to Indian cuisine or a…

An Adventure Under A Bridge


Fiskfelagið is still going strong, 14 years on Fiskfelagið, also known as Fish Company, is often confused with the other…

The Space Of Spades


A summer in the dirt Food security is a serious issue, which feels like an overwhelming task to combat and…

Side Hustle Of The Issue: The Full-Time Hustler


How does he do it all?! Whatever you do, Laurent Somers will make you feel you’re not productive enough. By…

And Sausage For All


Tuð’s Punk Between Anger and Candies Waiting to add up two more sixes and reach the number of the beast,…

About Last Night: Inspector Spacetime


Soundchecks and sweat 10:30: We wake up and there’s still no word on the soundcheck, which is odd. We are…

The Islanders: The Cheese Queen Of Iceland


Eirný Sigurðardóttir asserts her dominion on home turf Eirný Sigurðardóttir is fondly known as the Iceland Cheese Queen. Believe it…

Echoes Of Heritage In Tálknafjörður


One of the oldest buildings in the Westfjords continues to thrive as a vibrant cultural hub With its large rainbow-coloured…

North of Dill


The newly opened North provides the perfect excuse to head north When Gunnar Karl Gíslason, a proud Akureyringar, shared his…

Best Of Reykjavík 2023: Best Wine Bar

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Best Wine Bar Vínstúkan Tíu sopar Laugavegur 27, 101 Reykjavík Tucked away in the cellar of Laugavegur 27 is the…

What If The Nazis Had Invaded Iceland?


Another alternative history thought exercise to wrap your head around What if? It’s a pretty open-ended question and one friend…

Making Iceland A True Gastronomic Destination


Icelandic cuisine is beyond shock value sheep’s head There has been considerable buzz in local media the past few weeks…

Grapevine Events: HÁTÍÐNI, Hjarta Hafnarfjarðar, Exhibitions & More


Crazy to believe that June is already over. We’ve had a hectic one over at GV HQ; between going into…

Inflation and Safewords


 The Grapevine answers your most pressing questions How are the average citizens dealing with inflation and the high price of…

On Why One Founds The Reykjavík Grapevine


Sometime over the past 20 years, the reason became clear Remember boredom? That thing that could happen to you before…

Canadian Prime Minister To Visit The Westman Islands


Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau will be a special guest at the Nordic Prime Ministers’ Summer Meeting being held in…