From Iceland — Grapevine Events: McDonald's "Opening", Atsuko Okatsuka & More

Grapevine Events: McDonald’s “Opening”, Atsuko Okatsuka & More

Published January 31, 2025

Photo by
Timothee Lambrecq for The Reykjavík Grapevine

How To Do Things Together by Gosia Trajkowska & Vera Popova

Saturday February 1 — 11:00-11:45; Sunday February 2  11:00-11:45 — Free

Got 45 minutes this weekend? Performance artists Vera Popova and Gosia Trajkowska invite you on a 45-minute audio journey through downtown Reykjavík an opportunity to see the city from a fresh perspective. “This isn’t a tour,” they explain. “It’s an invitation to make the city feel like it belongs to you, to us, to the people (and cats) passing by who don’t even know they’re in our story. What does it mean to be together? Is it just our bodies moving side by side? Or maybe it’s about being a little closer, sharing a story whispered through the headphones? Or simply feeling a little less alone for a moment.” We’re intrigued. Aren’t you? IZ

Sitt hvoru megin við sama borð

Runs until February 1 — Gallery Port — Free entry

Sitt hvoru megin við sama borð (Either side of the table) is an exhibition within the Icelandic Photo Festival, featuring a joint project by two photographers whose lives are intertwined with disability, although in different ways. Hrafn Hólmfríðarson suffered a brain stem hemorrhage, while Þórsteinn Svanhildarson’s daughter was born with a rare syndrome that causes intellectual and physical disabilities. Through their work, the photographers share their perspectives on living with disability and how it shapes their daily reality. IZ

McDonald’s Opening in Iceland

February 2 — DÆINN Kaffihús & Vínbar — 14:00

Youtuber Sindri Leví Ingason claims he’s behind reopening McDonald’s in Iceland for just one day, promising everyone free Happy Meals and a nostalgic taste of the fast-food joint that peaced out back in 2009. From what it seems, this is not performance art, nor an internet scam, but just another day in the life of a content creator who pays his bills with viral stunts. Check his channel if you’re curious but don’t say we didn’t warn you there might not actually be a real McDonald’s. IZ

Atsuko Okatsuka — Full Grown Tour

Sunday February 2 — Háskólabíó — 20:00 — 9.990-19.990 ISK

Standup comedian Atsuko Okatsuka is headed to Reykjavík! Known for her whip-smart humour and irresistibly awkward charm, Atsuko has taken the comedy world by storm, with appearances on HBO, Netflix, and her viral drop challenge. Her material is both razor-sharp and refreshingly vulnerable, tackling everything from family quirks to social oddities. Who couldn’t use a good laugh to brighten January’s darkness? For those willing to splurge 19,990 ISK on tickets, there’s also the option of joining a Meet & Greet with Atsuko. IZ

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