From Iceland — Kristrún Frostadóttir Begins Formal Government Formation

Kristrún Frostadóttir Begins Formal Government Formation

Published December 4, 2024

Photo by
Micah Garen / Supplied

Since receiving the presidential mandate, Samfylkingin (Social Democratic Alliance) Leader Kristrún Frostadóttir has formally commenced forming a government in conjunction with Viðreisn (Liberal Reform) and Flokkur fólksins (People’s Party). 

On December 3, Kristrún called Þorgerður Katrín Gunnarsdóttir and Inga Sæland, leaders of the Liberal Reform and People’s Parties respectively, for a meeting at Alþingi. 

The meeting’s preliminary emphases were achieving economic stability and the reduction of inflation, interest rates and the number of cabinets. Pleased with the conference, Inga Sæland promptly claimed to press that, “The valkyries have come to see and conquer.”

On December 4, the three women meet at an undisclosed location for official negotiations. If the talks are successful, the coalition government would hold 36 out of 63 seats in Alþingi. 

The National Electoral Commission converge on Friday, December 6, to distribute parliamentary seats based on the election results. 

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