From Iceland — Strætó Received 3,493 Complaints In 2023, Or An Average Of Ten Per Day

Strætó Received 3,493 Complaints In 2023, Or An Average Of Ten Per Day

Published March 28, 2024

Photo by
Art Bicnick/The Reykjavík Grapevine
A total of 3,493 complaints were filed with Strætó last year, averaging nearly 10 per day, according to the company’s board meeting earlier in March, reports

The number of complaints increased compared to 2022, when the company received a total of 2,369 complaints.

Among the most common complaints were drivers’ behaviour, such as not stopping at a bus stop, arriving too early or too late, or not arriving at all.

Additionally, there were complaints about buses not waiting for passengers, bus drivers using smartphones while driving and the inadequate condition of the bus. In total, 17 accidents involving passengers were recorded last year and a total of 152 damages to vehicles.

Jóhannes S. Rúnarsson, CEO of Strætó, informed local newspaper Morgunblaðið that Strætó made around 600,000 bus trips last year, meaning that the complaints amounted to about 1% of them.

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