From Iceland — Janssen Vaccine Open House

Janssen Open House Tomorrow: Get ‘Em While They’re Hot

Published July 6, 2021

Erik Pomrenke
Photo by
John Pearson

The Capital Area Health Service is holding an open house for the Janssen vaccine (Johnson and Johnson for all you Americans out there) tomorrow, July 7th. The vaccinations will be given from 10:00 to 13:00 in Laugardalshöll.

As this is an open house, registration in the health system is not required, so this is a great opportunity to anyone who has fallen through the cracks. Those who have registered should already have received notice.

Some 1,200 people have already registered for the Janssen shot tomorrow.

As of the time of writing, about 75% of Icelanders 16 and older have been fully vaccinated, with another 13% having received their first dose.

With such good numbers, the vaccination drive will go on summer vacation beginning July 14th. Vaccinations will be available again in mid-August.

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