From Iceland — New Names Confirmed By The Icelandic Naming Committee

New Names Confirmed By The Icelandic Naming Committee

Published April 13, 2021

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Karlynja, Vetur, Emill and Róm are a few of the names that have been added to the official list of what Icelandic citizens can call their children, RÚV reports.

Kvikan is the only name of the list that can’t be used as a first name but only as a middle name.

Arkita, Janey, Imma, Myrktýr, Arman, Sædóra and Bryn can now also be used, and Draumland has been accepted as a middle name.

Nope, can’t have that name

The names Tatiana and Tatyana were rejected by the committee on the grounds that they were not in accordance with the general spelling rules of the Icelandic language, as the letters -ia- and -ya- do not exist in un-combined words.

The rulings on the names state what conditions the names must meet in order to be accepted:

  • A given name must be able to take an Icelandic transfer of ownership or have acquired a tradition in the Icelandic language.
  • The name must not be in conflict with the Icelandic language system.
  • It shall be written in accordance with the general writing rules of the Icelandic language, unless there is a tradition for other writing methods.
  • A proper name must not be such that it can be a nuisance to the nominee

On these grounds, Tatjana has been accepted as it fits in with the language.

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