From Iceland — Nose Thief Turns Self In

Nose Thief Turns Self In

Published February 15, 2011

The person responsible for stealing the nose of a giant snowman has come forward and apologised for his crime.
The incident in question, Vísir reports, took place last weekend in the small northern town of Akureyri. There, a snowman standing a several metres tall can be found in the main traffic circle in the centre of town. One night, the nose of the snowman – which measures about two metres long – mysteriously disappeared.
As could be expected, the incident attracted media attention, and yesterday, the person responsible turned himself in.
“It was just a joke,” Helgi Már Jónsson told Vísir, and he did not work alone. “The nose is back in its rightful place,” he said, adding that the public need worry no more.
Because of the size of the nose, it was originally reported that it was unlikely to be decorating someone’s living room. However, Helgi says that is precisely where it ended up. “The nose is a fine addition to a living room,” he said.
Ragnar Hólm Ragnarsson, the public representative of the Akureyri town office, confirmed for Vísir that the nose has been put back in the snowman’s face, but that the original perpetrators were not able to push the nose all the way back in. City employees will need to attend to that.
“The circle is complete,” Ragnar said, adding that he did not anticipate any more trouble from the nose thieves.
(Photo: Flickr)

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