The Icelandic Libertarian Society has released a statement bemoaning the ill treatment of Iceland’s wealthy, stating that the term “man of wealth” now has the same meaning as “Jew” did during Nazi Germany.
Eyjan reports that the libertarians, who held a meeting at the mall Kringlan yesterday, all voted on the joint statement, which reads in part, “As the situation is now, it won’t be long before the government police are invading houses in search of revenue.” The primary complaint of the statement being that government intervention is what has led to the economic crisis in Iceland right now. They do not offer any particular solution, but it can probably be guessed that it would have something to do with the invisible hand of the market.
Also of interest is the fact that the board of the Libertarian Society is comprised of 18 people, all but five of them students, and none of them women.
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