From Iceland — Reader Letters: What Do Icelanders Eat?

Reader Letters: What Do Icelanders Eat?

Published April 19, 2017

Reader Letters: What Do Icelanders Eat?

Hey Grapevine!

I visited Iceland last month and really enjoyed the nature and the city. But when we ate it seemed like there were loads of burger joints like back home—Lebowski and Chuck Norris, and even a Dunkin’ Donuts! What!? We wanted to try more Icelandic things like… I don’t know! Whatever Icelanders eat! In fact, what do Icelanders eat?

Michael, Michigan

Hi Michael, Michigan

I’m glad to hear you did your research on Icelandic cuisine after visiting the country. FYI, the Icelandic diet mainly consists of protein—you know, sheep’s head, fermented shark, whale meat and the like. Most Icelanders will have at least one of these delicacies for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Maybe a midnight snack too. Also, as I’m sure you’re aware, the water in Iceland is some of the purest in the world, and Icelanders drink on average about seven litres (that’s almost two gallons, in American-speak) of it every day. Vikings are famous for their very strong bladders, as there were no toilet facilities on their ships. These were barbaric times, Michael, Michigan.

What Icelanders hate is any food that is loved by the rest of the world. Burgers? Fries? Doughnuts? Urgh please. Give them a steaming sheep’s head pronto.


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