From Iceland — LETTERS


Published October 8, 2004


Hi hi!
I just want to say that your magazine is absolutely great! I came to live in Iceland four months ago and I was veeery happy when I saw that there was a free magazine in English…thank God. Iceland is a gAreat place to live in but rather expensive, so I really do enjoy having something for free. 😛 You guys rock…and you know why? Because you’re way different than any magazine here in Iceland…keep up the great work. We teenagers from Menntaskólinn við Hamrahlið are gonna keep reading your great shit 😉
p.s. I wish I could draw like Thorsteinn… (=’_’=)
Thank you. Rest assured we will do our best to keep our shit great.
I take one issue off! Just read the Grapevine. Best issue yet. Afghan and whaling were amazing.
I´m glad you liked it. I´ve just cleaned my desk.
By the way, I got electrocuted last night. Am very sore.
Serves you right.
In the humerous article on
you should replace the work “bate” with “bait”.
Thank you.
Mike Lude
Thanks Mike. We´ll be sure to replace the work in our humerous article.
Dear Editor,
Not normally note for writing to anybody or anything, I felt compelled to write commending your
paper, which I was lucky enough to catch two issues on my last visit to Iceland. As a black Briton, I read with interest your articles on racism, which I have never encountered directly on regular visits to Iceland. My partner is Icelandic and more importantly my daughter, so having an Icelandic paper openly discussing these issues has been very enlightening!
But, to be honest what I found extremely informative were your articles on the hydroelectric scheme in the central highlands at Kárahnjúkar. Excellent stuff and keep it up!
Between my visits to Dalvík/Reykjavík etc. this is a must read for all! Now how about some free tickets on Iceland Express! All this critical acclaim doesn’t come for free!
Mark Whitworth
Dear Grapevine,
I’m a Scot who’s been living in Akureyri for three years now. I caught sight of an interview with your editor in “Atlantica”, the Icelandair magazine, and decided to check out your site, not least of all because it’s in English!!
I like very much the vein of dry and frequently self-deprecating humour that runs through the articles. However, you shouldn’t underestimate
yourselves. The miracle of Iceland is not that people live here, but that they live so well………especially at these prices!!
You are right, of course. Iceland needs more of everything, especially people. It spreads the national financial load around better and creates opportunities for diversification in all areas. This is merely the perception of a foreigner, certainly, but we have “sharp eyes” as you said!!
Yes, in fifty years time your North Atlantic volcanic carbuncle will be the place to be. The rest of the world will be grid-locked, polluted and over populated. May I cordially suggest that you commence construction of the perimeter wall as soon as possible. They’re all the rage these days!! Your English is just fine. It’s certainly better than my Icelandic.
Best Regards,
Alan Mackay
Thank you. However, if the current government has its way, in 50 years time Iceland will be just as polluted as the rest of the world.

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