From Iceland — The Liberal Party

The Liberal Party

Published April 3, 2009

The Liberal Party
The Liberal Party – In Their Own Words
The Liberal Party was originally founded to fight the unjust fishing quota system law that was passed by Alþingi (parliament) in 1991 and the party’s objective has always been that Iceland’s habitants have a righteous and fair fisheries control, as fisheries are the nations fundamental industry. In the current economic situation, The Liberal Party emphasizes the abolishment of the quota system to fight unemployment.

The Liberal Party also emphasizes the importance of professions that increase the influx and circulation of foreign currency, e.g. tourism, codfish farming, and mussel farming. Furthermore, the Liberal Party places emphasis on those professions that preserve national currency, such as grain farming, vegetable farming and handcraft.

The Liberal Party has always fought for abolishing loan indexation, pointing to the fact that the current system is directing homes into heavy debt. Therefore, The Liberal Party has put forth a bill to Alþingi to limit price-increase compensation to avoid mass bankruptcy of the public.

The Liberal Party believes that the nation, as a whole, has an unconditional right to a complete revaluation of the countries administrational branch and its economy. Cliquishness due to political-ties and nepotism must be rooted out with critical and honest methods.

The Liberal Party is the only party in Parliament that has never been a part of government, and now expects this to change. It is necessary that The Liberal Party’s standpoints are a part of the heavy work ahead in our country. The Liberal Party has courage and boldness to tackle the matters that need to be dealt with. The money that has been made away with has to be returned to the nation, regardless of the time and effort needed to make that happen.

Iceland has much potential invested in its people, its nature and its natural resources, and, in order to get back on track, we must think of the needs of society as a whole, stand united and get back on track so our future can be bright and our country can be a place where we are at ease and comfortable yet again.

Grapevine vs. The Liberal Party. Q&A:

Briefly describe the party’s general agenda using one sentence.
The Liberal Party wants a society characterized by equality and justice, where free members of the community are active and responsible participants in society’s development.

There have been loud calls for renewal in the ranks of Icelandic MPs and politicians lately? How has your party responded to these requests?
The party’s chairman is running again, as are two other of the party MPs who have been in Parliament for the past two years. Other frontrunners have never been MPs. All those running for second seat on the party’s lists have never before run for parliament.

What is your party’s financial agenda? What are you going to do about the króna?
Due to the current economical turmoil, we most likely need to continue using the króna for the next 4-5 years. We have to manage our problems with the króna. There is no other currency available to us given the current state of things.

How does the party plan to help Icelandic companies?
Fight for lower interest rates and that the banks start giving businesses normal loans again. No business can handle the current cost of capital and unemployment will rise even more if no action is taken.

How does the party plan to help Icelandic homes?
Abolish price indexation and partially write off the publics housing loans by passing a law on temporary accounts for the rest of the year. This way it is possible to determine write offs from actual real estate prices, which have been going down while loans have been going up.

How can Iceland regain trustworthiness in the eyes of foreign investors and creditors? How can Iceland prevent becoming isolated in the global village?
By negotiating contracts with foreign lending institutions regarding joint ownership, of up to 1/3, of the now government owned banks, we need foreign financial resources into our banking system.

What is your party’s stance on the European Union?
National (domestic) resources are a priority for Iceland and therefore Iceland should not join the EU.

Who is responsible for the Icelandic economic collapse and the problems Iceland now faces? Does your party share any of the responsibility? 
The plunderers in the group of so called “investment Vikings” receiving excessive salaries and those political parties in government in the last years. The Liberal Party was not member of government in the last 10 years. The Independence Party led the government and held both the Prime- and Financial Ministries. They wanted free flow financials, and they slept on their guard. Shame on them for their apathy and inaction!

What is your party’s stance on constitutional change? Should we assemble a constitutional parliament, or are there other ways?
We want to change the constitution and we support the bill regarding that. We also support ideas of a constitutional assembly.

It is given that the Icelandic state needs to initiate many cutbacks in the near future. Where should those be imposed, in your opinion, and are there any fields that should be “exempt” from such cutbacks?
Surely, cutbacks will be required when laying out our national budget because the treasury’s revenue has decreased by billions after the financial collapse. It is essential to cut back and adjust in all fields, but at the same time, guard the welfare system and ensure good health services, while effectively cutting back. Foreign- and defense affairs should be contracted as much as possible, and we should rely more on police and coast guard as security measures for Icelanders in the future. Military leaning ideas should be put aside in current tribulation. Cutbacks alone are not an option. Creating new jobs with all means possible is essential and thus increases the nations income.

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