Author: Andie Sophia Fontaine - The Reykjavik Grapevine

Escaped Prisoner In Iceland Catches Plane To Sweden With Prime Minister


A man who escaped from a minimum security prison in Iceland managed to catch a flight to Sweden, by sheer…

Whale Hunting To Begin Again In Iceland


After a two-year break, whale hunting conducted by Hvalur hf. will resume again this summer. MBL reports that the company…

Hazara Asylum Seeker Granted 4-Year Residence Permit


Ramazan Fayazi, a young Hazara man who sought asylum in Iceland from Afghanistan, was last week granted a four-year residence…

Fine For Phone Driving In Iceland To Greatly Increase On May 1


The fine for talking on the phone without a hands-free device while driving will go from 5,000 ISK to 40,000…

Significant Increase Of Cruise Ships To Iceland Expected


The Reykjavík Harbour Authority expects some 167 cruise ships to come to Iceland this year, bringing with them over 147,000…

Bombing Of Syria Sparks Divided Opinions Within Iceland’s Government


Members of Iceland’s Parliament appear sharply divided over the bombing of Syria, conducted by the US, UK and France last…

VIDEO: Friends Of Icelander Missing In Syria Demand Answers From Parliament


Friends and supporters of Haukur Hilmarsson, who was reportedly killed in Syria last February, disrupted Parliament last Tuesday to implore…

Iceland’s Richest 5% Own About Half The Country’s Wealth


Wealth inequality continues to grow in Iceland, to where the richest 5% of the country own nearly 50% of all…

Conservatives And Social Dems Neck-And-Neck In Reykjavik City Council Race


Municipal elections are coming up next month, and a new poll from Fréttablaðið shows the Independence Party and the Social…

Iceland With “Fragmented Understanding” Of Money Laundering


A new report from the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) states that Iceland needs to improve their grasp of money…

Very Few Elderly Immigrants In Iceland Have Access To Pension


The majority of elderly immigrants in Iceland have no right to a pension, while the system remains complicated and access…

Word Of The Issue: Teika


The Icelandic word of the issue is teika. This word is a classic example of vocabulary that falls out of…

Missing In Iceland: Crack


Iceland, like many European countries, has a love-hate relationship with drugs. They love to take them, but enforce some pretty…

Mental Health Support Service To Close, Protests Planned


An organisation that has provided mental health support services for the past 15 years may soon be no more, and…

Warm Temperatures In Iceland All Week Long


Iceland will be blessed with balmy temperatures this week, but the sun may prove elusive for some parts of the…

Insulting Foreign Leaders Will Remain Illegal In Iceland For Time Being


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is against dropping Article 95 of the General Penal Code, which prohibits Icelanders from insulting…

Who’s Running The Show In Iceland Anyway?


We’re now six months from last year’s parliamentary elections, and our government is ostensibly led by the Left-Greens. I say…

Smoke From Fire At Icewear Outlet Visible From Kilometres Away


A toxic blaze erupted at an Icewear outlet in Garðabær this morning, from which its workers reportedly barely escaped with…

Japanese Journalist Investigates Icelandic Belief In Elves


You’ve very likely heard before that Icelanders believe in elves. Or maybe you’ve heard that this a myth and a…

Josh Groban’s “You Raise Me Up” Possibly Stolen From Iceland


“You Raise Me Up” has been a staple of senior proms and weddings around the world since its release in…

Reykjavik International Children’s Film Festival Begins


Tomorrow, April 5, the Reykjavík International Children’s Film Festival kicks off, with plenty of fun for people of all ages….

Proposed Child Circumcision Ban In Iceland Prompts Diplomatic Row


Icelandic consulates in numerous countries have received concerted criticism regarding the proposed ban on child circumcision. The Foreign Ministry believes…

Dog Expert In Iceland: When A Dog Bites, “The Owner Is The Problem”


An Alaskan Malamute who bit a five-year-old child last Friday will be put down. A dog expert in Iceland tells…

City Elections: Majority Holds, Most Want Dagur To Stay As Reykjavik Mayor


With municipal elections just over a month away, a new poll show most Icelanders want things to stay pretty much…

Icelandic Midwives: Low Pay, Long Hours, But Going On Strike “Pointless”


Icelandic midwives have been fighting to improve their pay for nearly two years, but going on strike would prove ineffective…