From Iceland — Reader’s Letters: Your Icelandic Healthcare System Is Stupid

Reader’s Letters: Your Icelandic Healthcare System Is Stupid

Published August 24, 2017

Reader’s Letters: Your Icelandic Healthcare System Is Stupid
Photo by
Reykjavík Grapevine Archives

I just skimmed an article written by Ms. Davidson in early 2016, lauding Iceland’s national healthcare system that she immigrated into in favor of the expensive American mostly private sector healthcare system Ms. Davidson left behind.

It’s too bad Ms. Davidson compared the two healthcare systems, because there’s NO comparison.

You see, I skimmed Ms. Davidson’s article as a follow up to a television description of the national abortion requirement for all Icelandic babies with Downs Syndrome.

In America that obscenity could only happen if America were stupid enough to nationalize its healthcare.

There’s another hurdle for Ms. Davidson’s recommendation for an American national healthcare system: It’s something called population.

Iceland’s population is around 340,000.

America’s population is around 355,000,000.

Iceland’s healthcare system is a political system.

America’s system is mostly medical.

As an American I’m happy Ms. Davidson is gone. She’ll soon find that Iceland’s healthcare will descend more and more into obscenity. I hope America has the fortitude to maintain the liberty of a private healthcare system.

John Barbaro, Jackson, NJ, USA

Dear Mr. Barbaro

There is in fact absolutely no such requirement to abort fetuses that show signs of Down Syndrome. Rather, medical professionals are required to inform women that they can have pre-natal screening. There are many Icelanders, of all ages, with Down Syndrome, and they are just as beloved as any other person in this country. America’s health care system is demonstrably lacking while somehow managing to be more expensive per capita. There is no “liberty” where liberty is contingent on income level. Hope that helps!

Grapevine Staff

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