From Iceland — Sour Grapes And Stuff

Sour Grapes And Stuff

Published March 9, 2012

Sour Grapes And Stuff

You wrote an article on ICY SPICY LEONCIE LIVE IN ICELAND in your last weeks grapevine.
I absolutely hate the way you’ll wrote about me. “Peculiar and flamboyant character with the self coined moniker” Icy Spicy Leoncie?”
Just because I am a genius professional Eurasian Singer Composer,You’ll have an Inferiority complex, and are playing down the FACT that I am a Professional Musician-Composer- Singer. It must suit your  Amateur Wannabees in Iceland to write all that crap about me. I never asked you’ll to write anything  about me. I don’t give a Damn  for your fictitious journalism.You are all wannabee journalists. You’ll do not know how to report anything Honestly and Accurately.So you’ll bullshit people with your fiction.
Then you’ll continue to describe me as a  more musically inclined kardashian sister? Both of whom are misunderstood and underappreciated by the icelandi people.   How dare you?
I am a PROFESSIONAL MUSICIAN, COMPOSER, AND SINGER, and your white icelandic racists,and music wannabees, still today are not EVEN  ABBA, after living on millions and millions  of the Icelandic tax payers money. The racist icelandic government is only promoting white icelandic windbags, buying them awards in England, In the USA, France(duffer in the dark) and other countries, and yet those same award hungry music cretins, could not even buy ORKA hf.
YES! Iceland does have incompetent windbags. Let me give you’ll some vey important information that your empty brains don’t have.. After the millions and millions of tax payers money wasted in May 2000,on (duffer in the dark) kvikmyndasjodur islands and kvikmyndasmsteypan,went to the dogs. Went BANKRUPT!
WRITE THIS STORY IN YOUR GRAPEVINE. Let the whole world know about your music retards who cannot even survive on their own because nobody wants them unless the icelandic government bribes everyone to give them awards and some recognition.
Leoncie did not need 3 planeloads of Indians or portuguese to fill up  Gaukur A Stong on saturday the 28th of janury 2012. She did it on her own merits.
Double concert concerts on the same day and the same evening both Sold out. Leoncie is the You Tube Star, many times chosen as The Most Viewed Uk Musician
See…………. I am That –Damn –Good!  That’s why I am kept out of white icelandic  Eurovision,icelandair  Airwaves concert and everything else including Menntamalastyrk, Rikisstyrk,Icelandic embassies promotion propaganda,in England and elsewhere,because I fill up Venues, I Can and will wipe out the white Icelandic trash called Music. I hate racists and racism but I have been the VICTIM of Iceland Racism and their Racist propaganda which is going on still today. At the keflavik airport on the 30th of January 2012, I was harassed and abused,by a mad female drug addict from sandgerdi,in uniform, and the airport racists all stuckk together in their lies and fantasies.
Finally you go on to write that Leoncie’s self inflicted exile is about to end……….?
Get a Brain you Happily Ignorant  fools. there was NEVER any self inflicted exile. The white racist icelandic government, and their racist pimps in sandgerdi ,terrorised and attacked both me and my husband, and so did the group of white  icelandic music retards. They violated the icelandic hegningar laga grein 233a. The white police were in it, many so-called journalists  were in it, and even the filthy racist rikissaksoknari was in it. Umbodsmadur Alpingis treid to help me but the ku klux klan was stronger than him, and that’s why I left racist Iceland. There is Institutionalised racism in Iceland and that’s a fact. I have plenty of proof of that in black and white.
I wish your dirty, ugly icelandic ku klux klan to rot in hell. You know who they are.They are allbeing protected by the racist Icelandic government. I also just read in the todays Pressan about the Ku Klux Klan called Neo Nazis. Ofcourse racism and neonazis will Thrive in Iceland. RACISM always has thrived in Iceland.
You’ll want to promote Iceland as a great country, I have freedom of Expression and I too will promote Iceland as exactly what it is. I will never forget THE RACIST ICELANDIC GOVERNMENT DID TO ME AND MY HUSBAND WHO IS A WHITE ICELANDER.
You’ll don’t know me. If you need to know anything about me, then go to my webpage:
I hope you print this letter on your Grapevine. I  don’t think you will though, because you’ll  are cowards and Bigots and a lot more than that.
First of all get educated journalists who know what they are talking about to write for you’ll. Print facts Not Fiction.
Even the icelandic wikipedia is full of lies and fiction.
Icy Spicy Leoncie

Dear Leoncie, genius professional Eurasian Singer Composer,
Thank you for your letter. We’re so sorry to have upset you like this. We were actually trying to promote your show, which we unfortunately missed! You have no idea how disappointed we were… To quote one of our writers:
“CAn I plz plz plz go and review the show.
a) This is her first show in Iceland in something like a decade
b) She’s a viral hit and the fact that the show sold out 3 days in advance says something about her relevance
c) She is an awesome personality and absolutely nuts. Her tactic for dealing with Icelandic backwardness and tactlessness has been to charge at it like a bull, screaming her head off and making up stories left and right.
d) She is the closest thing Iceland has to Heath Ledger’s Joker (or Loki Laufeyjason from Norse mythology). She is a wonderful, sili-con-artist of chaos
e) She loves wrestling! Only excellent people like wrestling.”
That writer cried when we told him we couldn’t get him a ticket.
We are a bit bummed that you called us bigots, cowards, and fictitious journalists. But, we can forgive you, if you come back and play soon.
Your fans at The Grapevine

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