![](https://i0.wp.com/grapevine.is/wp-content/uploads/8db00c785671fd.jpg?fit=500%2C375&quality=99&ssl=1 )
A spell cast against Iceland’s enemies by members of the Ásatrú Society at the start of the banking crisis has finally began to bear results.
Vísir reports that at the start of the 2008 crash, members of the pagan faith gathered to work magic with the dual purpose of protecting the country from harm, and also to drive away enemies who might approach (called “griðníðing”, often erroneously translated as a curse).
As the Dutch government coalition is falling apart, and Gordon Brown tumbles in popularity, it would appear the magic has begun to work, contends Ásatrú Society chieftain Hilmar Örn Hilmarsson.
The griðníðing against Gordon Brown, written in English, reads as follows:
In London town this lying clown
our land he drowns and shatters.
Gordon Brown is going down,
his good renown in tatters.
“It fortunately seems to have worked,” Hilmarsson told reporters.
(Image: Flickr)
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