From Iceland — Grapevine’s Best Of 2016: Best Bookstore

Grapevine’s Best Of 2016: Best Bookstore

Published September 28, 2016

Grapevine’s Best Of 2016: Best Bookstore

Reykjavík is a relatively small city, but even so, sometimes you need a bit of local advice to find what you’re looking for, whether it’s a good people-watching spot, somewhere to see some contemporary art, or the best place to catch an Icelandic movie. Don’t worry, friends—we’ve got you covered via our Best of Reykjavík 2016 series. Here are some of our favourite spots in Reykjavík, for all kinds of super-fun days and nights out. Enjoy! And if you try our list, you can let us know what you thought of the selections via

Best Bookstore

eymundssonWinner: Eymundsson Austurstræti
Austurstræti 18
Eymundsson Austurstræti has the best selection of Icelandic and world literature in not only English, but also German, French and Danish. You can pick up a copy of the Icelandic Sagas or the newest novel from Icelandic author Sjón. With a comfortable coffee shop on the third floor and free gift wrapping, this bookstore has everything for the local, the tourist or the last minute gift buyer. It’s also interesting for North American travellers who want to get a copy of their favourite book, but with the European cover. Make sure to check out the back window sill for what’s on sale.

bokinRunner up: Bókin
Klapparstígur 25-27
Bókin is the kind of place you’d imagine an eccentric genius spends his afternoons, which is why it was frequented by the famous chess player Bobby Fischer. They have a great selection of used books and rare Icelandic publications.

sjonarlindRunner up: Sjónarlind
Bergstaðastræti 7
Sjónarlind offers a lovely and well-curated selection of primarily non-fiction books, almost exclusively in English. You’ll find a range of subject matters, from biography to gastronomy to fashion to photography. Sjónarlind is the only independent bookstore in town that curates new and unusual titles.

Previous Winners:
2015: Sjónarlind
2014: Nexus
2013: Eymundsson, Bankastræti
2012: Mál og Menning
2011: Eymundsson, Austurstræti

Read more of our Best of 2016 lists here.

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