missing in iceland — The Reykjavik Grapevine %

Swimming Pools In Iceland: The Formula For Water


Iceland is “all about the water” my mum said when she came to visit. She was referring to the dual…

Reykjavík Needs Henrik Björnsson And His Music


Singapore Sling are one of the finer constants of Icelandic music. Throughout the last decade, the band has consistently released…

Ghosts Of Pompeii


God Returns To Iceland pt. 2The Lord thought about Pompeii and wondered why he did not do this more often….

Grapevine’s Fancy Eurovision Liveblog! UPDATE 22:20


17:00… I´m not a religious man but the verse Proverbs 26:11 states. “As a dog returns to its vomit, so…

SIC Report: What The Locals Think


Vigdís M. Sveinbjörnsdóttir Farmer, Egilsstaðir Has the economic crash changed your day-to-day life? No, no change in my life. Our…

We Are Drowning In Ash


Your trusty Grapevine team ventured once again to the foot of the now-dying down Eyjafjallajökull eruption. The scenery was devastating…

Fashion Distraction


These are some designed, fashionable times we’re living in. Everyone seems to be looking their absolute best these days, what…

Why North Africa Is Our New Culinary Friend


I know we Icelanders tend to think of Muslims as the people who only came here to steal our Westman…

To The Rescue!


It’s 5:45am, Saturday morning. The aftermath of a night of partying is apparent while passing the streets of downtown Reykjavík….

Outmooring Michael: Maybe I Should have


After the disaster that was Guð blessi Ísland, one could be forgiven for approaching the latest disaster movie with some…

Mýrdalsjökull: Scary Adventures On A Glacier


As most Icelandic adventures, this one starts at eight-thirty in the morning at Reykjavík’s central bus terminal, BSÍ. Grapevine’s photographer…

A Year Of Waiting, Undercurrent, Countdown, Festivals And No Revolution


The 2009 artworld discussed, somewhatThe Grapevine somehow managed to convince two of its favourite people from the local artworld –…

The Case of the Missing Ambassador


Without a sitting ambassador the halls of the US Embassy in Reykjavík aren’t as glamorous as they once were; the…

When The Sun Stops Shining


Iceland is not the best place in the world to visit during the winter. Especially if you crave long, sunny…

Sour Grapes and Stuff


MOST AWESOME LETTER: Hello Grapevine, As a concerned citizen who has had the displeasure of reading your rag of a…

Jacobsen – Saturday


To be honest, as more of a rockpig enthusiast I feel even more at a disadvantage reviewing DJs than Icelandic…

You: Why are you wearing these dorky running shoes at Airwaves, man? Me: Because my feet hurt from watching all your shitty bands.


I was going to be the human iPod-shuffle last night, going from venue to venue regardless of if it was…

NASA – Saturday

by , , and

I have no idea why I missed Jónas Sigurðsson & Malbikið Svífur’s set. OK. I know. I overslept. A lot….

Grand Rokk – Saturday


When I showed up at Grand rokk, I was dealing with some heavy repentance from the previous night. The final…



1) Who are you? What can we expect from your Airwaves appearance, and what can we expect of you in…

FM Belfast


What can we expect from your Airwaves appearance, and what can we expect of you in general? General nonsense, civil…