From Iceland — Young Student Helps Boy Lost On Bus

Young Student Helps Boy Lost On Bus

Published September 1, 2022

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The story of an eight-year-old boy who got lost after taking the wrong bus this week has attracted a lot of attention on social media, reports Vísir. The boy lives in Mosfellsbær but unexpectedly arrived in Grafarvogur and did not know what was happening.

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Yrja Dögg Kristjánsdóttir, the boy’s mother, describes on her Facebook page that he was going to a friend’s after dinner but didn’t let his parents know and got on a bus going to a different location.

Luckily another passenger on the bus, Eva Najaaraq Kristinsdóttir, a 17-year-old student at the Polytechnic School in Ármúla, took matters into her own hands.

Eva didn’t think much of it when the boy got into the carriage at Álafoss and sat at the very back, but then started to pay attention to the boy as they approached Grafavogur.

Eva didn’t want to wait to take action because it was the last bus trip of the day.

“He was such a dork,” says Eva, who realised that something had gone wrong. She spoke to the driver, who the boy had previously tried to speak to. But the driver, who is from Poland, only spoke English and couldn’t understand Icelandic, according to Eva.

Eva says she wanted to let the boy call his parents from his phone, but the boy didn’t remember the phone number. Eva therefore spoke to the driver. The driver, who was finishing his shift, said he was going to drive the boy back up to Mosfellsbær, which he graciously did.

“I am very grateful that the boy came home, and I cherish the warm greetings I received from his mother,” says Eva.

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