From Iceland — Icelandic Government To Meet With Pfizer Today

Icelandic Government To Meet With Pfizer Today

Published February 9, 2021

Photo by
John Pearson

The Icelandic government will meet with representatives from Pfizer this afternoon to discuss possibility of conducting a herd immunization test in Iceland, Morgunblaðið reports.

There have been rumours on the subject floating around for quite some time however Þórólfur Guðnason, the epidemiologist, was keen to disprove these stories.

Sources from Morgunblaðið believe that a final result is expected after the meeting this afternoon.

Mass vaccinations expected to take place.

The capital area’s health service believes that they can vaccinate up to 70,000 people a day.

A vaccination centre was recently set up in Laugardalshöll where thousands of people can be vaccinated daily, when the time comes.

Morgunblaðið says that if an agreement is reached, we can expect more vaccination stations to be set up in the coming weeks.

Don’t expect a press conference today.

Katrín Jakobsdóttir, the Prime Minister of Iceland, appeared on Bylgjan this morning telling citizens to not expect a press conference after the meeting finishes this afternoon.

Rumours are circulating that as part of the experiment, the borders will have to be opened.

The Prime Minister has said, “As vaccinations wind down, we will see relaxations here in Iceland. They will always be done with the interests of the public in mind, that’s how it will continue.”

When asked whether the Icelandic scientists had a mandate from her to conclude agreements, she said:

“We are just watching closely, but there is nothing more that has come out of this than what has been said. But I know it’s a lot… this has become the worst kept secret in Icelandic history but of course I can not say anything about what will come out of this exactly.”

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