Following the expansion of the two-metre-rule throughout the country which took effect at midnight last night, we’ve decided to do a simple roundup of all of the current restrictions.
The restrictions on meetings, which cap all gatherings at a maximum of 20 people, took effect at midnight and will continue until the 10th of November. Other regulations, which apply to the capital area, will continue until the 3rd of November. When the rules were first implemented they applied until the 19th of October, but they have been extended.
If you’re unsure where you are, the capital area includes Reykjavík, Seltjarnarnes, Mosfellsbær, Kjósarhreppur, Hafnarfjörður, Garðabær and Kópavogur.
Masks are now mandatory across the country in public spaces where it is not possible to ensure a two metre distance, so remember to keep one handy whenever you might need to pop to the shops.
Restaurants may be open, but must close after 9 PM. Pubs and clubs, however, remain closed, along with swimming pools and other services that require prolonged contact, such as hair salons, beauty salons, massage parlors, tattoo parlors, dog salons and tanning salons. Naturally this does not apply to essential healthcare services, but please wear a mask when visiting the doctor.
If you’re worried about fitness, organised group exercises which are non-contact and don’t require shared equipment are still permitted. However, all participants must be registered. Golf and other sports which do not require contact are permitted again.
The success of these restrictions depend on everyone’s participation in them, and they will be re-evaluated over the coming weeks as we see what effect they have.
Keep an eye on covid.is for more information.
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