A new poll from Market and Media Research shows a major upset in the works in terms of levels of parliamentary party support.
According to the data, the Independence Party is, as almost always, the top polling party in the country, but only at 19%, down by 22.1% from the previous poll, taken last June. The conservatives are more often than not well above 20%, making this latest dip in support a possible indication that some of these voters are considering putting their support elsewhere. Other aspects of the poll give clues as to who.
In second is the Pirate Party, who went up by half a point between polls to 14.9%, but at the same time, the Centre Party surged from 10.6% to 14.4%, making them statistically tied for second with the Pirates. Given the Centre Party’s social conservatism, it is likely that a large number of Independence Party voters are at least considering putting their support behind the Centre Party instead.
The Independence Party is one of the three parties in the ruling coalition. The party which leads it, the Left-Greens, saw a small dip in support between polls, from 11.3% to 10.3%; while the third party, the Progressives, went from 7.7% to 8.4%.
Where support for other parties is concerned, the Social Democrats went from 14.4% to 13.5%; the Reform Party went from 9.5% to 9.7%; the People’s Party went from 4.2% to 4.8%; and the Socialist Party went from 4.4% to 4.3%, showing little statistical difference for any of the parties still in the single digits.
In terms of overall support for the ruling coalition, that now stands at 40.9%, barely distinguishable from the last poll, when it was at 40.2%.
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