From Iceland — Far-Right Islamophobe Cancels Trip To Iceland

Far-Right Islamophobe Cancels Trip To Iceland

Published May 17, 2018

Andie Sophia Fontaine
Photo by
YouTube Screenshot

English Defence League co-founder Tommy Robinson, who was scheduled to give a lecture today in Iceland, will not be coming after all. Organisers have therefore cancelled the event.

Vakur, a self-described “organisation of European culture”, had invited British far-right activist Tommy Robinson to Iceland, and was to head a lecture entitled “Multiculturalism in Europe: Problems and Solutions”. Vakur had brought another well-known Islamophobe, Robert Spencer, to Iceland last year.

DV now reports that Robinson unexpectedly cancelled his trip to Iceland on account of a death in the family.

Sigurfreyr Jónasson, a founding member of Vakur and the main organiser of the event, told reporters that Robinson was due to arrive yesterday, but Robinson’s assistant had told him that he blew out a tire and missed his flight.

Another flight was booked for today, but when Sigurfreyr went to the airport to meet him, Robinson never arrived. After waiting for at least two hours, Sigurfreyr received an e-mail saying that Robinson would not be coming to Iceland on account of a death in the family. As such, the event was cancelled.

Sources close to the story have told Grapevine that Vakur has incurred some financial losses over the cancellation. There is as yet no word on when or even whether the event will be re-scheduled.

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