A representatives for the Reykjavík Healthy Supervisory Authority believes people need to be encouraged to take mass transit to fight air pollution in the city.
“The time has come to start this effort,” Kristín Lóa Ólafsdóttir told RÚV. “To encourage people to use mass transportation and avoid using studded snow tires within the city limits.”
As reported, high levels of air pollution in Reykjavík – comprised of dust and carbon dioxide generated by cars – has prompted the city to advise children and those with respiratory conditions avoid being outside. This, in turn, has prompted others to question whether the onus should rather be put on drivers to reduce their travels.
Another announcement of this nature was issued today, with respect to the area around Hringbraut. This marks the sixth time so far this year that these warnings have been issued.
This topic is especially heated in the run-up to this May’s city council elections. While numerous parties support a long-term project called Borgarlínan, a mass transit system designed to ease traffic and reduce pollution, the Independence Party is against the idea, seeing it as an attack on car owners.
Air pollution in Reykjavík is a regular problem, especially on days when the winds are light. Not only are Icelanders very fond of cars, but the increase in tourism brings with it increased traffic, as more rental cars are added to the daily traffic fleet.
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