The weather gods have once again smiled upon Iceland’s capital, as this weekend will be both warm and sunny.
The latest forecasts for the greater Reykjavík area show a weekend of mostly sunny skies, very light winds, and temperatures hovering around the positively blistering 15°C mark. These conditions are supposed to last until Monday morning, when the clouds will roll in again.
Where the rest of the country is concerned, similar conditions are expected, with the exception of the east and southeast, which will experience slightly lower temperatures and cloudy skies, with some rain expected in the northeast on Saturday.
This summer has been an unusually warm and sunny one for Iceland, as heat records were broken last June. This has brought with it a series of downright Bahamian weekends for the country; even in the capital area, where cloudier and wetter summers than the northeast are usually the norm.
Be sure and take advantage of this fine weather now – summer draws to a very sudden close later this month.
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