From Iceland — Iceland To Be Scorched By Weekend Heat Wave

Iceland To Be Scorched By Weekend Heat Wave

Published June 3, 2016

Andie Sophia Fontaine
Photo by
Icelandic Met Office

This weekend could prove to be decidedly summery for every corner of the country, if current weather forecasts hold out.

As can be seen by the above image, today and this weekend will see warm temperatures all across Iceland. Where the Reykjavík area is concerned, the Icelandic Met Office predicts that while cloud cover may roll in later this evening, tomorrow will be very sunny, with partial cloudy conditions later on in the day.

On Sunday, clouds may play a major part but temperatures will remain high, with sunny skies opening up again later in the evening. Cloud cover will then resume early Monday, continuing through the week, although temperatures will still hover in the 10° to 15° range.

However, most fortunate of all will be east Iceland, which almost always gets better summer weather than the capital area. Skies will not only be sunny, but temperatures could even reach 20° or higher in the east.

While Icelandic summers do not usually reach Bahamian levels, it is still important to wear sunscreen, or make sure that your children do, as the strength of UV rays is not dependent on the temperature.

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