From Iceland — This Summer Has Already Broken Last Summer's Heat Record

This Summer Has Already Broken Last Summer’s Heat Record

Published June 5, 2016

Andie Sophia Fontaine
Photo by
Valgerður Þóroddsdóttir

Summer in Iceland is off to a broiling start, and has already broken the heat record made last summer.

RÚV reports that in 2015, the northeast Iceland town of Seyðisfjörður broke summer temperature records when the heat climbed to 24.1°C. However, that was on September 7 of that year. Last Friday, by contrast, the northeast Iceland town of Egilsstaðir hit 24.9°C.

As such, the summer of 2016 is already proving to be a warmer one than last year, and we are scarcely a week into June.

Icelanders across the country are currently enjoying a heat wave this weekend, with high temperatures over every corner of the nation (although sun visibility is uneven).

It is also no coincidence that both record-breaking towns are in the northeast. As reported, the northeast in particular is well-known for practically Bahamian summers. The trade-off to this is that they also get considerably more snowfall, but that can also be interpreted as a plus, in some cases.

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