From Iceland — 17.8% Of People Living In Iceland Use Public Transport, And It's Not Only Who You Think

17.8% Of People Living In Iceland Use Public Transport, And It’s Not Only Who You Think

Published May 4, 2015

Anna Manning
Photo by
Simon Steel

Nearly 18% of people living in Iceland regularly used public transport in 2014 according to Statistics Iceland, the official data collection office.

Those earning in the bottom tenth percentile bracket have the highest rate of regular public transport use, at 30.5%. The data does not show a direct correlation between income and use of public transport. 12-20% of all other income brackets are regular travellers, and second highest group after the lowest income bracket are those in the eightieth percentile.

Use of Public Transport- Income- Anna Manning

Percentage of Public Transport Users Based on Income

The report also broke down use by sex, age, employment, citizenship, living situation and family size. There was no remarkable difference in regular use by men and women, and no other grouping showed more than a 20% difference in number of regular travellers.

Here’s the breakdown:

Use of Public Transport- Age- Anna Manning

Percentage of Public Transport Users Based on Age

Use of Public Transport- Employment- Anna Manning

Percentage of Public Transport Users Based on Employment

Use of Public Transport Citizenship- Anna Manning

Percentage of Public Transport Users Based on Citizenship

Use of Public Transport- Living Situation- Anna Manning

Percentage of Public Transport Users Based on Living Situation

Use of Public Transport- Family Size- Anna Manning

Percentage of Public Transport Users Based on Family Size



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