According to the latest poll, public support for the ruling coalition has decreased over the past month.
The poll was conducted by Market and Media Research (MMR) from July 28 to 31. According to their findings, support for the ruling coalition of the Progressive Party and the Independence Party has taken a slight dip, from 38% in late June to 36.2% today.
Individually, the two parties showed different trends in support. The Independence Party went from 25% to 24.1%, while the Progressives saw a modest rise in support, from 9.5% to 11.8%.
Where other parties are concerned, the biggest difference in results between the polls concerned Bright Future, who dipped from 21.8% to 19.2%. At the same time, the Pirate Party went from 8.3% to 9.6%.
The other parties in parliament only saw differences of support within 1%. The Social Democrats have gone from 16.5% to 17%, while the Left-Greens went from 11.4% to 11.6%.
Of the 937 people who responded to the poll, 80.5% named a party they would vote for if parliamentary elections were held today. 5.3% were undecided, 5.7% said they would submit a blank ballot, and 2% said they would not vote at all.
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