From Iceland — Student Loan Fund Will Not Appeal

Student Loan Fund Will Not Appeal

Published September 12, 2013

The Minister of Education and the Student Loan Fund (LÍN) have decided that they will not appeal a Reykjavík District Court ruling that new student loan requirements are illegal.
As reported, earlier this year the Ministry of Education and LÍN raised student loan requirements from 18 credits to 22 for the 2013-14 school year. The University of Iceland Student Council objected, taking the matter to court. Last month, the Reykjavík District Court found in favour of the students.
While Minister of Education Illugi Gunnarsson commented at the time that they might appeal the matter to the Supreme Court, RÚV now reports that the ministry will not contest the ruling further.
The ministry contends this decision was made to prevent any further uncertainty for students who are just now beginning the new school year. There is as yet no follow-up as to why LÍN’s website continued to require 22 credits from students, even after the court ruling.

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