From Iceland — Student Loan Fund Ignores Court Ruling

Student Loan Fund Ignores Court Ruling

Published September 4, 2013

Despite a recent court decision that changes made to the university student loan system were illegal, the Student Loan Fund appears to be ignoring the ruling.
As reported, the Reykjavík District Court ruled last Friday that raising student loan requirements for the 2013-14 school year from 18 credits to 22 was illegal. Despite this, Vísir reports, the Student Loan Fund appears to be moving forward with the new requirements anyway.
María Rut Kristinsdóttir, the president of the University of Iceland Student Council, told reporters that she has received numerous complaints from students that, when applying for a new loan, they receive the notice that they do not qualify if they fall beneath 22 credits.
The Student Loan Fund has not yet appealed the district court case to the Supreme Court. María Rút said that the student council have sent a letter to Ministry of Education over the matter.
“This shows a complete lack of respect from the Student Loan Fund,” she told reporters. “The students have had it up to here with this treatment. We’ve received a really strong reaction [to this matter] this evening, and there’s a lot of anger amongst the students.”

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