From Iceland — Record Set In Blood Donations

Record Set In Blood Donations

Published March 6, 2012

The Blood Bank reports that Icelanders responded to the call for more blood in spades, breaking all previous records for the most blood donated in a single day.
Yesterday, Vísir reported that there was a severe shortage of blood in Iceland. Sveinn Guðmundsson, the chief doctor at the Blood Bank, said that emergency supplies have had to be tapped. He said that some 600 to 700 units of blood were badly needed.
Apparently Icelanders responded in full force, as Vísir now reports a record was set for the most donations in a single day.
Some 200 people showed up at the Blood Bank on Snorrabraut yesterday. So many people came at one time throughout the day that some had to be turned away for lack of space.
If you wish to donate blood, check the Blood Bank’s homepage for available times and locations. Their Snorrabraut location is open until 15:00 today.

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