Video by Alísa Kalyanova / Words by Rebecca Louder
Happy Airwaves-Eve! We are impatiently listening for the jingle of free beer and the roar of internationals to arrive (hopefully our North American guests will make it through FRANKENSTORM!) But anyway, it’s starting to feel a lot like Christmas-I mean Airwaves, so we’re passing you out some presents.
Remember a few weeks back when we had a nice little chat with East Fjords electrodudes Good Moon Deer? As luck would have it, we came across their downtown jam-space and they invited us in for a listen. They were all ready to play us their new song “Black”, (which you can find RIGHT HERE on our Fancy Airwaves Compilation 2k12!) but suddenly ran into some technical issues so they kicked out this quick version of their first single, “Blur”. You can catch them playing at Faktorý on Friday and at fancy off-venue gigs in Kolabrautin, Bíó Paradís, and KronKron!
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