From Iceland — Grapevine New Music: Múr, MC Myasnoi, Baggalútur & More

Grapevine New Music: Múr, MC Myasnoi, Baggalútur & More

Published September 20, 2024

Grapevine New Music: Múr, MC Myasnoi, Baggalútur & More
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Dear Grapevine reader, there’s a new issue of your favourite magazine out on the streets of Reykjavík today. The issue’s cover feature profiles the quiet yet massive success of Reykjavík-based label, collective and publishing company INNI Music, and their ever-growing list of projects in the world of Hollywood film scoring. On the music pages, you can find coverage on Iceland’s most influential punk band Purrkur Pillnikk as the subjects of a recent documentary, and an in-depth look at Dr. Gunni’s forthcoming album, and so much more. Happy reading!

MC MYASNOI — slugs are legal now? (LIVE ALBUM)
Released September 9
Specialising in deconstructed electronic music, artist MC Myasnoi have started developing a special brand of experimental, electronic doom metal. As out there as it sounds, so too does their latest live album release, slugs are legal now? After listening to their album, which consists of live performances from their Upprásin show at Harpa and R6013, you too might wonder whether slugs are actually legal now. JB

Charliedwarf — All Over Your Skin
Released September 17
Dreamy and airy, “All Over Your Skin” is reminiscent of Sigur Rós’ early works. Not grabbing on to any specific genre, Charliedwarf’s latest track starts off ambient as the heavenly vocal melody kicks in, until it switches gears completely into groovy electronica, surpassed only by Kiasmos. I know you’re tired, but you shouldn’t sleep on this. JB

Múr — Heimsslit
Released September 18
Just as the name suggests, Múr’s progressive black metal music forms a brick wall in the listeners’ ears. Dense and ethereal, Múr’s latest “Heimsslit” doesn’t joke around. Running at 11 minutes, the piece exhibits soaring waves of synth, heavy noise and a headbangin’ riff. If you want to see Múr in action, they’ll be performing at Hellirinn Metalfest, Saturday September 21, and this year’s Airwaves. JB

Magnús Jóhann & Óskar Guðjónsson — Fermented Friendship
Released September 20
It doesn’t really matter what Magnús Jóhann works on — whether it’s performing with Iceland’s biggest pop stars or meddling with his own material — it undeniable turns into something great. His latest album, Fermented Friendship, finds him collaborating with saxophonist Óskar Guðjónsson in a string of beautiful piano-saxophone duets. JB

Released September 20
No matter how many jólatónleikar at Eldborg Baggalútur fill with middle-aged fans who can’t handle their alcohol; no matter how many top hits they manage to slither into Rás 2’s playlist, they just. Won’t. Stop. “HJUTS ESS BANSI” is inspired by a Facebook advertisement that went viral in the last decade, depicting a sad, broken, human-sized Garfield plushie for sale. Don’t get me wrong — that ad was hilarious and sustained me and my friend through hours of laughing. But like anything good and pure Baggalútur touches, they manage to kill it. JB

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