From Iceland — Sour Grapes & Stuff: Issue 18, 2015

Sour Grapes & Stuff: Issue 18, 2015

Published December 4, 2015

Sour Grapes & Stuff: Issue 18, 2015

Say your piece, voice your opinion, send your letters to:

This issue’s most awesome letter!

Góðann Daginn.

I am not sure whether to write you in Icelandic or English, so for the comfort of my wife I will stick to English. My wife has lived in Iceland for almost two years now and is continuously learning Icelandic. Which she gets hate from some of the people around her for being foreign, it’s nothing she can’t tough out. However, one thing has recently and painfully come to our attention. Bus drivers for Strætó can, and do, play Útvarp Saga. I feel this is uncceptable to allow them to play the hate speech that Útvarp Saga perpetuates. I’ve put my self in contact with Strætó, among about 10 other people, and we have all gotten the answer that they cant control what their drivers play on the bus. Which to me seems absurd, there must be some guideline they can put in much like how their drivers must wear their driver uniforms. No person deserves to be forced to listen to hate speech about themselves, whether they understand it or not.

It’s hard for me to understand why Strætó jumps to defend Útvarp Saga when they would probably quickly ban drivers from playing inappropriate rap music or Black Metal.

Hæ hæ,

We’re sorry that people are being racist dicks to your wife, and we admire and respect your wife for toughing it out.

However, we aren’t sure that it’s illegal to be a racist dick, or to listen to a radio station that employs racist dicks, and we kind of sympathise that Strætó is looking out for its employees.

However, you can take solace in the fact that bus drivers have a high suicide rate. Grin to yourself and put on some headphones.

– The Reykjavík Grapevine


I’m not sure if anyone would be able to help with this but a friend and I are traveling from New York to Iceland for new years eve. We are looking for dinner, bar, club recommendations for that night and have been having a little trouble trying to research online. The only place that seems to come up is Perlan which looks beautiful but I don’t think is the vibe we are going for. She and I are both 30yr old women who are looking for a great dinner and fun bar or club to spend the holiday. Any suggestions would be incredibly helpful!


Hey Cara,

Wow, great job getting a ticket to Iceland for NYE, wasn’t that super expensive? Either way, you’re in luck, because our hard-working interns slaved day and night to put together a pretty detailed holiday opening guide JUST FOR YOU! Unfortunately, there were too many restaurants to include in the guide, but it’ll all go online! Soon! Stay tuned! Oh, and go to Dillon if you rock, Húrra if you’re hip, or Prikið if you’re a thug—they all have special NYE parties. I think Kíkí Queer Bar does too. But first be sure to check out the fireworks, they are out of this world. Definitely end with befriending a local and heading to an afterparty for a cosy/chaotic (depending on the afterparty) conclusion.

The Reykjavík Grapevine

Hello Reykjavik Grapevine,

I just want to say thank you for having the publication online. We live in Minneapolis (I am married to an Icelander) and we love reading your publication online (both of us). It’s a great way to stay connected to what’s going on in Iceland and the content is almost always just fantastic (LOVE the humour). Just wanted to say thanks! That’s all!


Hello Anna,

Thank you! We always love hearing from our international readers! Go Twin Cities! And go Vikings! Go viking cities! Go humourous married twins! GO GO GO!

The Reykjavík Grapevine

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