From Iceland — Sour Grapes & Stuff: Issue 16

Sour Grapes & Stuff: Issue 16

Published October 11, 2013

Sour Grapes & Stuff: Issue 16

Most awesome letter
Dear Grapevine:
I would like to thank for all the support and help I received during the time Nuk was lost. I am amazed over the way people come together in Iceland and take part. I have met so many supportive, nice and helpful people who spent time looking for Nuk and walked around with flashlights and called her name. Cars that drove slowly around looking for her. It was amazing, thank you so very much.
Nuk was lost for approximately 36 hours, she is a cat who is normally inside but also sometimes outside where she always stays within 100-200 meters of our home. She is easily scared and does not associate with other animals at all, cats included. Nuk was neutered when she was 6 months old. Knowing Nuk very well, I am of the opinion that she escaped and ran straight to the building Flugskoli some 150 metres away from the plane where she went Into hiding underneath the building and stayed there. This is where I found her Wednesday evening around 7 pm. I had walked around calling her name and suddenly I heard a Miaaw and a little black head appeared. I sat down and spoke very softly to her. She came over and I grabbed her and carried her to the plane. I spent the night in the plane with Nuk and she ate, drank water and was very happy. Needless to say, so was I.
I put out a finders fee when Nuk got lost and as I found her Myself I have decided to donate the money to two organizations which are both doing an amazing job. The organization Dyrahjalp where I received a lot of help and support from, I would like to give ISK 70.000 and to the organization Kattholt which I heard very good things about during the search for Nuk and which is doing a great job getting lost cats rehome or brought back to their owners, I would like to give ISK 30.000.
Nuk is doing fine, it is a miracle she is back and we love her so much. Thank you, Iceland, thank you so much for all the help and support I received.
Susanne Alsing
Dear Susanne:
Being an office full of animal-loving world travelers—and having a particular soft spot for cats who are clever (and ninja) enough to open an airplane door, activate a stairway, and escape into the night—we were immediately taken with Nuk’s plight when she went missing a few weeks ago. We, too, scoured Reykjavík in search of your kitty, and were all very relieved when you found her safe and sound.
We were tickled to hear that you’ll be donating the 100,000ISK reward to two local animal shelters—we can’t think of more deserving recipients of your generosity than Dyrahjalp and Kattholt.
Bon Voyage to you and Nuk, in all your future travels

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