From Iceland — Sour Grapes And Stuff

Sour Grapes And Stuff

Published July 2, 2012

Sour Grapes And Stuff

 Hello all
I do hope you are fine. I am addressing you after I read a news on your website about a camera lost and found in Iceland.
My name is Alfredo, from Chile and in my last day before returning back home I lost my camera in Reykjavik in the proximities of the Cementery- I think it’s Hringbraut. It’s a Canon one (model A-1200), colour grey with two duracell batteries in it. It’s very simple, small and cheap but it contains a lot of photos (Reykjavik, Whales watching, Blue Lagoon and Golden circle) from my trip to Iceland that lasted until Tuesday 26/06/2012, the day in which I lost it. I would like to ask you for help. I saved money for a long time to go to your country and it is very unlikely that I will be able to make it again for different reasons. What do you think I can do to find my camera?
I will be happy if you can give me some advice.
 Many thanks and best wishes
Alfredo Andrés González
Bsc. in Forest Engineer
Forest Engineer
Universidad de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Dear Alfredo,
thank you for your letter, even though the events that lead you to ultimately sending it our way are kind of sad. Who wants to lose their camera with all their precious holiday pictures? No one, that’s who! We are very sorry that you lost yours, and we are very flattered that you think we can be of assistance to you in finding it.
Indeed, we hope we can help (although, to be honest, we must admit we are afraid it was maybe found by some unruly teenagers who went on to use it to snap pics of their privates or perhaps a dope fiend who sold it to finance their next hit of ‘new magic’). We will do our best to help, in the only way we know how, namely by printing your letter and email address in our publication.
Look above. Read back. It’s there, it’s printed.
And now we play the waiting game… Hopefully some honest citizen found your camera as it lay there on the ground, and hopefully we still have some honest readers left who might be friends of that honest citizen and can instruct him how to get in touch with you.
Hope is important.
Thank you for writing, Alfredo, but more importantly thank you for visiting Iceland and contributing to our economic recovery in all of the ways you did. Your contribution is greatly valued. In fact, we value it so that we will bestow upon you FREE WOOLLEN SOCKS! WHOO!

As someone who greatly enjoys your mix of fun stuff and hard stuff, bits I like and bits I don’t like mixed with things I love and things I hate I have to wonder: do you print articles from just anyone? Is there a criteria? How many journalists do you employ? I noticed you were seeking a journalist the other day, did you find one? Can it be me? Thank you for your time.
Oliver Smith

Dear Oliver Smith,
thank you for writing. To answer your questions, in the order you asked them: yes! Not really, except we have to understand them and they can’t be racist or crap or horrible. One in summer, half in winter. Yes, several! Maybe, who knows! Thank you too!

I want a job as a freelance journalist with you people. NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW!!!!
Benjamín [via Facebook]

Dear Benjamín from Facebook,
send us some articles then!

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