Startup Iceland - how to build the future

Photo by
Art Bicnick

In this, the premiere edition of RVK Futurecast, we have a conversation about how to build the future starting from Iceland. Startup Iceland started as a way to get all founders in Iceland to meet one another, to learn from each other, and to learn from other founders and influencers from other startup communities.

Innovation is all about tinkering. We are having our first conversation with Kevin Laws, the CEO of AngelList, the largest platform for Angel investors and entrepreneurs to find capital, talent and traction. Iceland is a unique place for innovation and startup thinking, and we will explore how to get started building the future we want. Hosted by Bala Kamallakharan.

Listen to our podcast on: Apple PodcastSpotifySoundCloudSticherTuneInGoogle Podcast — and YouTube.

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